References marked “Santa Fe working papers website” can be located by directing a web browser to the Santa Fe Institute’s archive at:
Reference marked “arXiv electronic archive” can be located at:
– Ahmed, E., Abdusalam H.A. (2000) “On social percolation and small world network” European Physical Journal B 16:569-571
– Albert, Reka, Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo (2000) “Topology of evolving networks: local events and universality”arXiv electronic archive: cond-mat/0005085
– Anderson, Carolyn J.,Wasserman, Stanley, and Crouch, Bradley (1999) “A p* primer: logit models for social networks” Social Networks 21:37-66
– Axelrod, Robert (1997) “The Dissemination of Culture: A Model With Local Convergence and Global Polarization” Journal of Conflict Resolution 4:203-226
[Simulation of cultural exchange on a lattice where sites interact probabalistically with nearby similarly cultured sites]
– Batagelj, Vladimir, Mrvar, Andrej (2001) Pajek: Package for Large Network Analysis Slovenia: University of Ljubljana
[Freeware social network analysis software and graph drawing program]
– Bar-Yam, Yaneer (1997) Dynamics of Complex Systems Perseus Books
[Good overview of the concepts, methodologies, and mathematical frameworks for dynamical and complex systems]
– Benedikt, Michael L. (1975) “The Information Field: A Theoretical and Empirical Approach to the Distribution and Transfer of Information in the Physical Environment” Master of Environmental Design Thesis Yale University
[Works with ideas from Shannon to develop a field theory for perception of information.Data from Ss recall of items in photos of urban environment]
– Bonner, John Tyler (1980) The Evolution of Culture in Animals Princeton University Press
[Discussion of behavioral phenomena and broad definitions of culture]
– Bordia, Prashant, Rosnow, Ralph L. (1998) “Rumor Rest Stops on the Information Highway” Human Communication Research 25:163-179
– Borgatti, S.P., Everett, M.G., and Freemen, L.C. (1999) UCINET 5.0 Version 1.00 Natick: Analytic Technologies
[Social network analysis software package]
– Boissevain, Jeremy, Mitchell, Clyde J. (1973) Network analysis: studies in human interaction The Hague, Mouton
– Bowles, Samuel, Gintis, Herbert (2001) “The Inheritance of Economic Status: Education, Class, and Genetics” Santa Fe Institute working papers website
– Boyd, Robert and Richerson, Peter J. (1985) Culture and the Evolutionary Process Chicago: University of Chicago Press
[extensive mathematical models for cultural transmission]
– Brissey, F.L. (1961) “The Factor of Relevance in the Serial Reproduction of Information” The Journal of Communication 11:211-219
[Results of experiment where successive generations of subjects read and wrote descriptions of a film and answered T-F questions about content.]
– Buck, John (1988) “Synchronous Rhythmic Flashing of Fireflies II” The Quarterly Review of Biology 63:265-289
– Campbell, Donald T. (1958) “Systematic Error on the Part of Human Links in Communication Systems” Information and Control 1:334-369
[ Survey of literature and interesting discussion of general error tenancies in communication chains]
– Callaway, Duncan S., Newman, M.E.J. (2000) “Network robustness and fragility: Percolation on random graphs” arXiv electronic archive: cond-mat/0007300
[Numerical and analytic results of targeted and random vertex removal on the connectedness ofgraph structures with Poisson and power-law degree distributions]
– Carley, Kathleen (1991) “A theory of group stability” American Sociological Review 56:331-354
– Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., Menozzi, P., Piazza, A. (1994) The History and Geography of Human Genes Princeton Universty Press
– Chwe, Michael Suk-Young (1999) “Structure and Strategy in Collective Action(I)” The American Journal of Sociology 105:128-1??
– Chwe, Michael Suk-Young (1998) “Culture, Circles, And Commercials: Publicity, Common Knowledge, and Social Coordination” Rationality and Society 10:47-75
[Discussion of the role of shared knowledge in social coordination, analysis of TV demographic data.]
– Cowan, George A., Pines, David, and Meltzer, David (1994) Complexity: Metaphors, Models and Reality Addison-Wesley
[Santa Fe Institute studies in the science of complexity Proceedings volume XIX]
– Deutsh, Morton, Gerard, Harold B. (1954?) “A study of normative and informational social influences upon individual judgment” JOURNAL_TITLE Vol 00:00-115
– Deutschmann, Paul J., Danielson, Wayne A. (1960) “Diffusion of Knowledge Of the Major News Story” Journalism Quarterly 37:345-355
– Dugatkin, Lee A., Godin, Jean-Guy J. (1992) “Reversal of female mate choice by copying in the guppy” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 249:179-184
[Laboratory experiment in which female guppies reverse mate preference after watching choice of conspecific female]
– Dugatkin, Lee A., Godin, Jean-Guy J. (1993) “Female mate copying in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata): age dependent effects” Behavioral Ecology 4:289-292
[Evidence from lab experiments suggests that younger females copy the mate choice of older females]
– Eco, Umberto (1976) A Theory of Semiotics Indiana University Press
– Feld, Scott L. (1997) “Structural embeddedness and stability of interpersonal relations” Social Networks 19:91-95
– Ferligoj, Anuska and Hlebec, Valentina., (1999) “Evaluation of social network measurement instruments” Social Networks 21:111-130
[Comparison of various social support network questions and generators in Slovinian high school]
– Findlay, C. S., Hansell, Roger I.C., and Lumsden, Charles J. (1989) “Behavioral Evolution and Biocultural Games: Oblique and Horizontal Cultural Transmission” Journal of Theoretical Biology 137:245-269
– Foster, Caxton C., Rapaport, Anatol, and Orwant, Carol J. (1961) “A Study of a Large Sociogram II. Elimination of Free Parameters” Behavioural Science 6:279-291
– Fountain, Henry (2000) “Making Order Out of Chaos When a Crowd Goes Wild” New York Times March 7, 2000
[Discussion of studies by Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo, et. al. on synchronized clapping behavior.]
– Freeman, Linton C., (????) “Visualizing Social Networks” Journal of Social Structure (online) http://
– Freeman, Linton C., (1996) “Cliques Galois Lattices and the structure of human social groups” Social Networks 18:173-187
– Freeman, Linton C., Webster, Cynthia M., Kirke, Deirdre M. (1998) “Exploring social structure using dynamic three-dimensional color images” Social Networks 20:109-118
[Discussion of using MAGE computer program for viewing 3D network representations MDS scaled from UCINET]
– Friedkin, Noah E. (1981) “The Development of Structure in Random Networks: an Analysis of the Effects of Increasing Network Density of Five Measures of Structure” Social Networks 3:41-52
– Friedkin, Noah E. (1982) “Information Flow Through Strong and Weak Ties in Intra-organizational Social Networks” Social Networks 3:273-285
– Galef, Bennet G. Jr. (DATE) “Imitation in Animals: History, Definition, and Interpretation of data from the psychological Laboratory” BOOK? editor?
– Gibson, James J. (1979) The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception New Jersey: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates
[presentation of a theory of perception based on the concept of an observer extracting invariants from a moving optic array See Notes]
– Goffman, Erving (1974) Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience New York: Harper & Row
– Goffman, Erving, (1971) Relations In Public: Microstudies of the Public Order Harper & Row
– Goldenberg, J., Libai, B., Solomon, S., Jan, N., Stauffer, D. (2000) “Marketing Percolation” arXiv electronic archive: cond-mat/0005426
– Granovetter, Mark S. (1973) “The Strength of Weak Ties” American Journal of Sociology 6:1360-1380
[Core paper in small world networks. Introduces concept of ‘bridging’ long distance ties as distinct from highly correlated local links]
– Greenberg, Bradley, S. (1964) “Person-to-Person Communication in the Diffusion of News Events” Journalism Quarterly 41:489-494
[Results of a four-day telephone survey of knowledge of news stories ranging from ‘important’ to’ unimportant’]
– Gupta, Abhijit K., Stauffer, Dietrich (2000) “Social Percolation on Inhomogeneous Spanning Network” arXiv electronic archive: cond-mat/0006012
– Hall, Edward T. (1966) The Hidden Dimension NY: Anchor Books
– Heath, Chip. (1996) “Do People Prefer to Pass Along Good or Bad News? Valence and Relevance of News as Predictors of Transmission Propensity” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 68:79-94
[Analysis of respondents stated willingness to transmit various fabricated information items]
– Henning, Philip H. (1998) “Ways of learning: an ethnographic study of the work and situated learning of a group of refrigeration service technicians.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 27:85-137
– Hinde, R.A., Fisher, James (1951) “Further Observations of the opening of milk bottles by birds” British Birds 44:393-396
[Additional results and commentary on classic transmission example, discussion of behavioral components which complicates classification]
– Huckfeldt, Robert, and Sprague, John (1987) “Networks In Context: The Social Flow of Political Information” American Political Science Review 81:1197-1216
– Huang, Zhi-Feng., (2000) “Stability in the social percolation models for two to four dimensions” International Journal of Modern Physics C 11:287-300
– Jacobs, Robert C., Campbell, Donald T. (1961) “The Perpetuation of an Arbitrary Tradition Through Several Generations of a Laboratory Microculture” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 62:649-658
[Intriguing experiment on transmission chains and the effects of group conformity on Ss reports of ‘Sherif’ perceptual phenomena]
– Jin, Emily., Newman, Mark (2000) “From Friendship to Community: Modeling Social Networks” Santa Fe Institute REU paper
– Kaigler-Evans, Karen. (1979) “Perceived Similarity of Sources and Receivers” Innovativeness: Facilitators of Transmission of Information about Fashion” Perceptual and Motor Skills 49:243-246
[Ranked photos and statements about fashion were rated by subjects]
– Kameda, T., Ohtsubo, Y. and Takezawa, M. (1997) “Centrality in Sociocognitive Networks and Social Influence: An Illustration in a Group Decision-Making Context” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 73: 296-309
[Experimental construct in which information transfer can be measured as changes in a individual X argument matrix]
– Katz, Elihu (1957) “The Two-Step Flow of Communication: an Up-To-Date Report on a Hypothesis” Public Opinion Quarterly 21:61-78
[Discussion and comparison of two studies relating to opinion leadership, mass-media, and personal networks]
– King, Barbara J. (1991) “Social Information Transfer in Monkeys, Apes and Hominids” Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 34:97-115
[Discussion, comparisons, and interesting speculation.Role of active “donation” of info in humans]
– Klovdahl, Alden S. (1989) “Urban Social Networks: Some Methodological Problems and Possibilities” in Kochren, Manfred ed. The Small World Ablex, Norwood NJ
[Results and discussion of a random walk methodology used to estimate parameters of Canberra social network]
– Kurke, Lance B., Weick, Karl E., Ravlin, Elizabeth C. (1989) “Can Information Loss Be Reversed?” Communication Research 16:3-24
[Ss read previous Ss written version of a story, wrote a version for next S. Data was collected on loss of detail and distortion as the story was passed down the chain, and reconstruction as it was passed back up]
– Lachlan, Robert F., Crooks, Lucy, Laland, Kevin N. (1998) “Who follows whom? Shoaling preferences and social learning of foraging information in guppies”Animal Behavior 56:181-190
[Lab experiments in which single adult guppies were given a choice between swimming with two diverging schools of conspecifics with different characteristics]
– Laland, Kevin N., and Williams, Kerry (1997) “Shoaling generates social learning of foraging information in guppies” Animal Behavior 53:1161-1169
[series of laboratory experiments in which schools of fish are trained to locate a food source]
– Lefebvre, L., Palameta, B. (1998) “Mechanisms, ecology and population diffusion of socially learned, food-finding behavior in feral pigeons” in T.R. Zentall and B.G. Galef (ed.) Social Learning, Psychological and Biological Perspectives Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ p. 141-164
– Lewin, Kurt (1951) Field Theory in Social Science: Selected Theoretical Papers New York: Harper Bros.
“Defining the ‘Field at a Given Time'” (1943)
“Field Theory and Learning” (1942)
“Behavior and Development as a Function of the Total Situation” (1946)
[Well thought-out description and discussion of concept of psychological phase-space]
– Latane, Bibb and L’Herrou, Todd. (1996) “Spatial Clustering in the Conformity Game: Dynamic Social Impact in Electronic Groups” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 70:1218-1230
[Interesting experiments with people exchanging email in various constructed geometries]
– Leavitt, Harold J. (1951) “Some Effects of Certain Communication Patterns on Group Performance” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 46:38-50
[5-person groups with different communications configurations are given a problem to solve which requires message passing]
– Lowe, Elisabeth D., Lowe, John W.G. (1990) “Velocity of the Fashion Process in Women’s Formal Evening Dress, 1789-1980” Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 9:50-58 [Analysis of a 192-year timeseries of the dimensions of photographs of dresses appearing in fashion magazines]
– Lumsden, Charles J. and Wilson, Edward O. (1981) Genes, Mind, and Culture Massachusetts: Harvard University Press
– Marsden, Peter V. (1990) “Network Data and Measurement”Annual Review of Sociology 16:435-498
[Discussion of measurement techniques, some general results and biases]
– Massimini, Fausto, and Fave, Antonella D. (2000) “Individual Development in a Bio-Cultural Perspective” American Psychologist 55:24-33
– Menzel, Herbert, and Katz, Elihu (1955) “Social Relations and Innovations in the Medical Profession: The Epidemiology of a New Drug” Public Opinion Quarterly 19:337-352
[Classic study tracking the diffusion of instances of a drug prescription among a network of doctors]
– Milgram, Stanley (1969) Obedience to Authority New York: Harper & Row
[Presentation of a classic set of studies in which Ss inflicted, at the demand of the experimentor, what they belived to be extreme punishment on a confederate]
– Moody, James., White, Douglas R. (2000) “Social Cohesion and Embeddedness: A hierarchical conception of social groups” Santa Fe Institute Working Papers website
– Moore, Cristopher, Newman, M.E.J. (2000) “Epidemics and percolation in small-world networks” Santa fe Institute working papers website
[Analytic and numerical results for percolation threshold in small-world random graphs]
– Morgan, David L., (1996) “The stability of core and peripheral networks over time” Social Networks 19:9-25
– Newman, M.E.J., (2001) “A fast Monte Carlo algorithm for site or bond percolation” arXiv electronic archive: cond-mat/0101295
[Efficient algorithm for testing the percolation properties of classes of networks]
– Newman, M.E.J., (2000a) “The Structure of Scientific Collaboration Networks” Santa Fe Institute working papers website
– Newman, M.E.J (2000b) “Small Worlds: The Structure of Social Networks” Santa Fe Institute Working Papers Website
[Summary paper on small-world networks, random graphs, etc]
– Newman, M.E.J., Moore, C, and Watts, D.J. (1999) “Mean-field solution of the small-world network model” Santa Fe Institute Working Papers Website
– Newman, M. E. J., and Watts, D.J. (1999a) “Scaling and percolation in the small-world network model” Santa Fe Institute Working Papers Website
– Newman, M.E.J. and Watts, D.J. (1999b) “Renormalization group analysis of the small-world network model” Santa Fe Institute Working Papers Website
– Nicol, C.J.., (1995) “The social transmission of information and behavior” Applied Animal Behavior Science 44:79-98
[Discussion and review of social transmission in animals, discussion of “stimulus enhancement”, learning, and imitation]
– O’Reilly, Charles A. III, Roberts, Karlene H. (1974) “Information Filtration in Organizations: Three Experiments” Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 11:253-265
[Ss role-played positions in organization, effects of trust, influence, and hierarchy examined]
– Osgood, Charles E. (1952) “The Nature of Measurement and Meaning” Psychological Bulletin 49:197-237
[Discussion and results leading to the idea of the ‘semantic differential’ and orthagonal axes of meaning]
– Padgett, John F., Ansell, Christopher K. (1993) “Robust Action and the Rise of the Medici 1400-1434″American Journal of Sociology 98:1259-1319
[Discussion of the emergance and role of the Medici clan in Renisance Florence- possible impacts of influence and communication networks]
– Pocklington, Richard and Best, Michael L. (1997) “Cultural Evolution and Units of Selection in Replicating Text” Journal of Theoretical Biology 188:79-87
– Rahim, Shazia F. (2001) “Analysis of the Academic Collaboration Network Between Faculty Members at Bennington College” B.A. Thesis, Bennington College, Bennington VT.
– Rapoport, Anatol, Yuan, Yufei (1989) “Some Aspects of Epidemics and Social Nets” in Manfred Kochen ed. The Small World Ablex, Norwood NJ
[Discussion empirical derivations and results from a chain letter]
– Rapoport, Anatol (1953) “Spread of Information Through a Population With Socio-Structural Bias: II. Various Models With Partial Transitivity”Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics Vol 15:525-539
– Rapoport, Anatol (1953) “Spread of Information Through a Population With Socio-Structural Bias: I. Assumption of Transitivity” Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics 15:523-543
– Rentsch, Joan (1990) “Climate and Culture: Interaction and Qualitative Differences in Organizational Meanings” Journal of Applied Psychology 75:668-681
– Roberts, William L. (1989) “Affiliation Structures in Groups of Young Children: A Computer Simulation” Developmental Psychology 25:805-811
– Rogers, Everett M. (1962) Diffusion of Innovations New York: Free Press
– Romney, A. Kimball, Moore, Carmella C., Batchelder, William H., Hsia, Ti-Lien (2000) “Statistical methods for characterizing similarities and differences between semantic structures” Proceedings of the National Acadamey of Science 97:518-523
– Rosnow, Ralph L. (1991) “Inside Rumor: A Personal Journey” American Psychologist 46:484-496
[Personal account and survey of some rumor literature]
– Sampson, Robert J., and Raudenbush, Stephen W. (1999) “Systematic Social Observation of Public Spaces: A New Look at Disorder in Urban Neighborhoods” The American Journal of Sociology 105:603-60?
– Sanil, Ashish, Banks, David, and Carley, Kathleen (1995) “Models for evolving fixed node networks: model fitting and model testing” Social Networks 17:65-81
– Schrank, Holly L., Gilmore, Lois D. (1973) “Correlates of Fashion Leadership: Implications for Fashion Process Theory” The Sociological Quarterly 14:534-543
[Survey of college women and analysis of correlations between survey-based measures of “innovativeness”, “opinion leadership” and socioeconomics]
– Seidmann, Daniel J., Winter, Eyal (1997) “Strategic Information Transmission With Verifiable Messages” Econometrica 65:163-169
– Shannon, C.E., (1948) “A Mathematical Theory of Communication” The Bell System Technical Journal 27:379-423,623-656
[Classic information theory text. Description of communication in discrete and continuous channels]
– Smith, Winston P. (1991) “Ontogeny and Adaptiveness of Tail-Flagging Behavior in White-Tailed Deer” The American Naturalist 138:190-200
[Results of observation and discussion of the communicative properties of deer tail-signaling]
– Solomon, S., Weisbuch, G., de Arcangelis, L., Jan, N., Stauffer, D. (2000) “Social percolation models” Physica A 227:239-247
– Skog, Ole-Jorgen (1986) “The Long Waves of Alcohol Consumption: A Social Network Perspective on Cultural Change” Social Networks 8:1-32
[Description of a social process as potential random walk. Implications social networks for the ‘theory of large numbers’ in sampling.]
– Skvoretz, John (1990) “Biased Net Theory: Approximations, Simulations and Observations” Social Networks 12:217-238
– Skvoretz, John (1985) “Random and Biased Networks: Simulations and Approximations” Social Networks 7:225-261
– Skyrms, Brian., Pemantle, Robin (2000) “A dynamic model of social network formation” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97:9340-9346
[Simulations of networks of agents in which connections are reinforced after each interaction, simple games on dynamic networks]
– Snijders, Tom A. B. (2001a) “The Statistical Evaluation of Social Network Dynamics” to be published, Sociological Methodology
[Description of software and procedure for estimating parameters, given networks at multiple points in time]
– Snijders, Tom A. B. (2001b) “Manual for SIENA version 1.70” from Snijders’ website at
– Snijders, Tom., van Duijn, Marijtje (1997) “Simulation for statistical inference in dynamic network models” in Simulating Social Phenomena ed. Cote, R., Hegselman, R. and Terna, P. Berlin: Springer
[Description of a methodology for estimating parameters for dynamics social network models using continuous-time Markov chains to generate networks for comparison]
– Stevenson, W.B., Davidson, B., Manev, I., Walsh, K. (1997) “The Small World of the University: A Classroom Exercise in the Study of Networks” Connections 20:23-33
[Small scale study using a folder-passing methodology similar to Milgram’s]
– Thomas, Andrew P., Roger, Derek, and Bull, Peter (1983) “A sequential analysis of informal diadic conversation using Markov chains” British Journal of Social Psychology 22:177-188
– Tomasello, Michael (1993) “Cultural learning” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16:495-552
– Travers, Jeffrey, Milgram, Stanley (1969) “An Experimental Study of the Small World Problem” Sociometry 32:425-443
– Valente, Thomas W. (1996) “Social network thresholds in the diffusion of innovations” Social Networks 18:69-89
– Vallacher, Robin R., Nowak, Andrezej, Kaufman, J. (1994) “Intrinsic Dynamics of Social Judgment” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 67:20-34
[Analysis of time series generated by Ss rating their feeling about a target in real time]
– Warren, William H. Jr., Morris, Michael W., Kalish, Michael (1988) “Perception of Translational Heading From Optical Flow” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 14:646-660
[Experimental work which is consistent with much of Gibson’s theories]
– Watts, Duncan J. (2000) “A Simple Model of Fads and Cascading Failures” Santa Fe Institute working papers
[Analysis of size and probability of cascades in a network of agents who’s states depend on their neighbors]
– Watts, Duncan J. (1999) “Networks, Dynamics, and the Small-World Phenomenon” The American Journal of Sociology 105 i2 p493
[Very good analysis and description of small world network phenomena, Watts-style circular substrate model, and results of simulations]
– Weesie, Jeroen. (1989) “A transitive Random Network Model” Social Networks 11:363-386
– Weenig, Mienke W.H., Midden, Cees J.H. (1991) “Communication Network Influences on Information Diffusion and Persuasion” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 61:734-742
[Interesting study tracking social networks and the adoption of energy conservation programs in two Dutch neighborhoods]
– Weimann, Gabriel (1983) “The Strength of Weak Conversational Ties in the Flow of Information and Influence” Social Networks 5:254-267
– Whittaker, Steve., Terveen, Loren, Hill, Will, Cherny, Lynn (2000?) “The Dynamics of mass interaction” Whittaker’s website:
– Wish, Myron, Deutsh, Morton, and Kaplan, Susan J. (1976) “Perceived Dimensions of Interpersonal Relations” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 33:409-420
– Xiaoyan, Yan, (1988) “On Fuzzy Cliques in Fuzzy Networks” Journal of Mathematical Sociology 14:359-389
– Zentall, T.R., Galef, G.G (1988) Ed. Social Learning, Psychological and Biological Perspectives Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdaly, NJ
[Compilation of excellent discussion and further results of social learning and behavioral transmission in animals]