Bibliography on humanitarian and human rights uses of networks

This bibliography was collected while doing research for a report to the AAAS Science and Human Rights Program on Potential Human Rights Uses of Network Analysis and Network Mapping (pdf). The articles were located through my own (mostly web based) research and from the kind recommendations of the SOCNET listserv. Several of the cites are general network analysis lit, and not everything appeared in the paper. I’m sure there are many relevant articles I’ve overlooked, and I’m sorry if I left out anything someone sent me. The list is an export from my bibtext file, if anything got mangled in export, please let me know and I will send you the bibliography file.

They Rule
J. On

Board statement on Human Terrain Systems
T. A. A. Association

statnet: Software Tools for the Representation, Visualization, Analysis and Simulation of Network Data
M. S. Handcock and D. R. Hunter and C. T. Butts and S. M. Goodreau and M. Morris
Journal of Statistical Software 24 (2008)

The International Structure of Non-Government-Organization Activity
S. Jun

A Micro-simulation study of the effect of concurrent partnerships on HIV spread in Uganda.
M. Morris and M. Kretzschmar
Math Pop Studies 8 109-133 (2000)

Presidential Watch 08 interactive website

Mapping the World Order: A Reassessment of Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations (unpublished)
Paulette Lloyd

Passing the Bucks: The Congressional contribution network 1985-2006
B. Nyhan and M. Tofias
Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (2008)

Visualizing Information for Advocacy: An Introduction to Information Design
J. Emerson

A social network approach to corroborating the number of AIDS/HIV+ victims in the US
E. C. Johnsen and H. R. Bernard and P. D. Killworth and G. A. Shelley and C. McCarty
Social Networks 17 167–187 (1995)

Exploring the dynamics of international trade by combining the comparative advantages of multivariate statistics and network visualizations
L. Krempel and T. Plümper
Journal of Social Structure 4 (2003)

Ituri: “Covered in Blood” ethnically targeted violence in northeastern DR Congo
H. R. W. A. Division
Human Rights Watch Report 15 (2003)

Mapping Networks of Support for the Zapatista Movement
M. Garrido and A. Halavais
Cyberactivism: Online Activism in Theory and Practice (2003)

Landscaping climate change: A mapping technique for understanding science and technology debates on the World Wide Web
R. Rogers and N. Marres
Public Understanding of Science 9 141–163 (2000)

Hyperlink analyses of the World Wide Web: A review
H. W. Park and M. Thelwall
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 8 (2003)

Mark Lombardi: Global Networks
R. C. Hobbs

Pathfinder associative networks: studies in knowledge organization
R. W. Schvaneveldt

Maps of random walks on complex networks reveal community structure
M. Rosvall and C. T. Bergstrom
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 1118 (2008)

An Automated Information Extraction Tool for International Conflict Data with Performance as Good as Human Coders: A Rare Events Evaluation Design
G. King and W. Lowe
International Organization 57 617-642 (2003)

Conflict and Cooperation in an Actors’ Network of Chechnya Based on Event Data
A. Hammerli and R. Gattiker and R. Weyermann
Journal of Conflict Resolution 50 159 (2006)

The Complexity of Cooperation: Agent-Based Models of Competition and Collaboration
R. Axelrod

The Strength of Weak Ties
M. S. Granovetter
The American Journal of Sociology 78 1360–1380 (1973)

Review of a Decade of Research On Trafficking in Persons, Cambodia
A. Derks and R. Henke and L. Vanna

Partisans, Nonpartisans, and the Antiwar Movement in the United States
M. T. Heaney and F. Rojas
American Politics Research 35 (2007)

It’s the Conversations, Stupid! The Link between Social Interaction and Political Choice
V. Krebs

Using Network Analysis to Understand Community-Based Programs: A Case Study from Highland Madagascar
K. Stoebenau and T. W. Valente
International Family Planning Perspectives 29 167–174 (2003)

Sexual Networks, Concurrency, and STD/HIV
M. Morris and S. Goodreau and J. Moody

Social Network Mapping: A New Tool for the Leadership Toolbox
E. J. Strines

The art and science of dynamic network visualization
S. Bender-deMoll and D. A. McFarland
Journal of Social Structure 7 (2006)

Knowledge graphs and network text analysis
R. Popping
Social Science Information 42 91 (2003)

Breaking the News
E. Klinenberg
Mother Jones (2007)

Network Mapping as a Diagnostic Tool (English translation)
L. Clark

American Diaspora
B. Edmondson and L. Bennett and D. Shorter

Hacktivism and Human Rights: Using Technology to Raise the Bar
P. Ball and G. Walton and D. Master and R. Fleming

Integrating Statistics and Visualization: Case Studies of Gaining Clarity during Exploratory Data Analysis
A. Perer and B. Shneiderman
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (2008)

Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship.
d. m. boyd and N. B. Ellison
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 13 (2007)

Understanding the San Francisco Homeless Policy Field
D. Noy
(2006) (no images)

Influence Network Mapping: Mapping linkages of Water Users’ Associations in IFAD-supported LACOSREP in Northern Ghana
E. Schiffer and J. Hauck and M. Abukari

Beyond the Double Standard: Comparing US Supreme Court Decision Making in Property and Civil Rights Cases
R. Thorpe and M. Evans
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (2006)

cite-it: mapping precedent across the American court system
W. McIntosh and K. Cousins and S. Simon

Diffusion of Innovations
E. M. Rogers

Introduction to Social Network Methods
R. A. Hanneman and M. Riddle

Trampoline Enron Explorer
T. Systems

The network structure of social capital
R. S. Burt
Research in Organizational Behavior 22 345–423 (2000)

An actor-oriented approach for strengthening research and development capabilities in natural resource systems
S. Biggs and H. Matsaert
Public Administration and Development 19 231–262 (1999)

Network Perspectives in the Evaluation of Deveopment Interventions: More Than a Metaphor
R. Davies

Network Data and Measurement
P. V. Marsden
Annual Review of Sociology 16 435–463 (1990)

The Effect of Graph Layout on Inference from Social Network Data
J. Blythe and C. McGrath and D. Krackhardt
Graph Drawing: Symposium on Graph Drawing, Gd’95, Passau, Germany, September 20-22, 1995: Proceedings (1996)

Mapping International Agreement on Human Rights Treaties, 1980-2006: An Application of Network Analysis
K. Kwon and G. A. Barnett
Sunbelt Social Networks Conference (2008)

Effective Counterterrorism and the Limited Role of Predictive Data Mining
J. Jonas and J. Harper

EVA: Extraction, Visualization and Analysis of the Telecommunications and Media Ownership Network
K. Norelen and G. Lucas and M. Gebbie and J. Chuang

New Tactics in Human Rights Project
T. C. for Victims of Torture

International NGOs and the Role of Network Centrality in Humanitarian Aid Operations: A Case Study of Coordination During the 2000 Mozambique Floods
S. Moore and E. Eng and M. Daniel
Disasters 27 305–318 (2003)

Uncloaking a Slumlord Conspiracy
V. Krebs

Social Network Analysis: A Handbook
J. Scott

The Dissemination of Culture: A Model with Local Convergence and Global Polarization
R. Axelrod
The Journal of Conflict Resolution 41 203–226 (1997)

A Comparison of Social Network Mapping and Personal Network Visualization
C. McCarty and J. L. Molina and C. Aguilar and L. Rota
Field Methods 19 145 (2007)

Missing People in Casanare
D. Guzmán and T. Guberek and A. Hoover and P. Ball

In search of a happy medium: How the structure of interorganizational networks influence community economic development strategies
J. A. Crowe
Social Networks 29 469–488 (2007)

Net-Map Toolbox, Influence Mapping of Social Networks
E. Schiffer

Community structure in the United States House of Representatives
M. A. Porter and P. J. Mucha and M. E. J. Newman and A. J. Friend
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 386 414–438 (2007)

Unfluence: Mapping political contribution networks
S. Bender-deMoll and G. Michalec

INFO-SPACE, INFO-WAR Governing by networks
B. d. tangential university

Hacktivism and Human Rights: Using Technology to Raise the Bar
P. Ball and G. Walton and R. Fleming

The Palestinian-Israeli peace process and trans-national issue networks: The complicated place of the Israeli NGO
R. Rogers and A. Ben-David

Facebook Causes

Katrina American Diaspora
L. Bennett and D. Shorter

Power Analysis: mapping the balance of forces and power or your campaign
A. A. for Grassroots Empowerment and N. D. Alternatives

Making invisible work visible: Using social network analysis to support strategic collaboration
R. Cross and S. P. Borgatti and A. Parker
California Management Review 44 25–46 (2002)

The Transmission of Legal Precedent: A Study of State Supreme Courts
G. A. Caldeira
The American Political Science Review 79 178–194 (1985)

Movement in the Making? Social Network Analysis of the WSIS Civil Society

The Power Mapping Tool: A Method for the Empirical Research of Power Relations
E. Schiffer

The Italian Extreme Right On-line Network. An Exploratory Study Using an Integrated Social Network Analysis and Content Analysis Approach
L. Tateo
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 10 (2005)

What’s So Special About Policy Networks? An Exploration of the Concept and Its Usefulness in Studying European Governance’
T. A. Börzel
European Integration online Papers (EIoP) 1 (1997)

Understanding Networks: The Functions of Research Policy Networks
E. Mendizabal
Overseas Development Insitute (ODI) (2005)

Actors Network Analysis on Chechnya

Toward ethical guidelines for network research in organizations
S. P. Borgatti and J. L. Molina
Social Networks 27 107–117 (2005)

Who benefits from network analysis: ethics of social network research
C. Kadushin
Social Networks 27 139–153 (2005)

The political network in Mexico
J. Gil-Mendieta and S. Schmidt
Social Networks 18 355–381 (1996)

The Authority of Supreme Court Precedent
J. H. Fowler and S. Jeon
Social Networks 30 16-30 (2008)

Network dynamics of interorganizational cooperation: the Croatian civil society movement
M. L. Doerfel and M. Taylor
Communication Monographs 71 373–394 (2004)

Explorations into the visualization of policy networks
U. Brandes and P. Kenis and J. Raab and V. Schneider and D. Wagner
Journal of Theoretical Politics 11 75 (1999)

Building farmers’ capacities for networking (Part I): Strengthening rural groups in Colombia through network analysis.
B. Douthwaite and A. Carvajal and S. Alvarez and E. Claros and L. A. Hernández
Knowledge Management for Development Journal 2 (2006)

Building farmers’ capacities for networking (Part II): Strengthening agricultural supply chains in Bolivia using network analysis.
L. Clark
Knowledge Management for Development Journal 2 (2006)

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