I’ve created a page to compare various tools for embedding a network diagram on the web. I used a small example set of researchers’ keyword associations. As always, browser compatibility is a big challenge. Most of the options I tested required a fair amount of web coding ability to get them working. I’d love to hear about other tools and ideas I may have missed.
Have you tried any layouts in http://thejit.org/demos/ ?
There’s also the Javascript InfoVis toolkit (http://thejit.org/) that you can try. I liked protovis the best so far, but it is difficult to wrap your head around it at first. A day or so and you get it no problem. They both currently work best in Chromium web browser in my experience.
Skye, I have some good ways to do this efficiently. We should talk.
some more tools via http://selection.datavisualization.ch/
zoomable js network maps
this is more like a js library for building network UI?
Hi Skye, more recently http://sigmajs.org went out. It’s a JS library for graph drawing.